Migliorare le competenze degli adulti italian

Translation of the title in English :

Improve the competences of adult learners in Italy

Author / Authors :

Italian Ministry for Education and Social Policies

Source / Publishing body :

Italian Ministry for Education and Social Policies

Short description in partner language :

Il "Rapporto della Commissione di esperti sul progetto PIAAC" presieduta da Tullio De Mauro propone un'analisi sintetica dei risultati del "Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies" sui livelli di competenza degli adulti tra 16 e 65 anni, che confermano la posizione difficile del nostro Paese nel quadro internazionale

Short description in English :

The "Commission of Experts report on the PIAAC project" chaired by Tullio De Mauro proposes a summary analysis of the results of the "Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies" on the levels of competence of adults between 16 and 65, which confirm the difficult position of our country in the international context

Link website / external resource

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"